Wednesday, August 5, 2009

5.4 Summer Afternoon Session (8-4-09)

White Beach Graph from 8-4-09.
I think the meter off on direction and maybe a little low for wind speed. There was not any north wind all afternoon and I was on a 5.4 with an 85
ltr board, pretty powered up later in the day. I'll post the Plattsburg Graph below. Anyone sail over there? seems to be winder than White's.

1 comment:

  1. holey moley we shoulda been in Plattsburg! I bet it was 4.2! Anyhow, wind backed off pretty quickly after you left. Rocket went out on a 4.8 and that pretty much killed it. I think you outa have a word with Iwindsurf about that North bulloany, I wouldn't be paying 100bucks for backwards readings! I'm just so happy we got to sail, it really made my week!
