Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sailday 10-24-09

Plattsburg graph

White's Beach Graph
We sailed 4.2 on 78ltr boards for a while the 5.4 on 85 ltr boards. surprisingly little rain until the end.


  1. I think we made a good call with Plattsburg. Thanks for the fun!

  2. Hi Justin:
    I think the meter was a little low, look at the last time we sailed at Plattsburg. Almost the same average, but we were on 5.4 not 4.0 like Saturday. I was plenty powered on my 4.2 on my wave board. It maybe a repeat for this Saturday?
    Wishful thinking

  3. It's great you had a blast there. I was so hoping to get well before the weekend after being sick for a few days. Actually everyone in the family was. Running noses all over the house, I wish I had a flood insurance ;-/
    Missed a good day on Sunday on Mascoma. I guess the days left are counted. Irina said that she is done for the season, I'll be too soon. Coming weekend includes a workday at SVSC on Mascoma when we prepare the stuff for the season. I'll be helping out to the guys. It was a good season. I didn't nail down heli tacks. Hell knows what I do wrong with the heli tacks. Can sail backwinded, can sail clew first, the other parts seems to be more or less ok, just cannot put everything together. Probably should practice more on the land...
